Building a More Engaged Brand Culture: The Solution is Literally at Hand
At Chromium , one of our most deeply held philosophies is that brand = culture and culture = brand. You can't have a great brand without building the culture to support it – to live it. Any cursory reading of the business media makes it clear that remendous resources are being expended by companies to build strong, vibrant corporate cultures that attract and retain valuable talent. But the instruments currently used (annual surveys, email questionnaires, quarterly reviews, and external rating systems such as glassdoor ) to measure the effectiveness of internal communications, engagement processes, and team-building initiatives are not up to the task. And while this is troublesome, the answer is truly at hand: Employees themselves are bringing the solution to this challenge with them to work everyday, in the form of their smartphones. Smartphones are not only ubiquitous, they are practically extensions of our very physical being. We ...