Richard Branson Predicts the Death of TV

From an interview in AdAge yesterday:

Ad Age: Virgin America doesn't use much TV or print at all, so what are your thoughts on the future of the more traditional advertising mediums?
Mr. Branson: Conventional television obviously is dying as an advertising medium and will continue a slow death, whereas obviously the web and other forms of new media will continue to grow.
It will clearly be sharing its grave with radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, posters, and the like, right?

While I admire Mr. Branson immensely, I think making such broad and unsupportable statements is a bit beneath his integrity.

He also announces here that he will be moving Virgin into banking in the coming year. The brand's future brand essence is "People's Champion, Slayer of Giants" so I think that fits in quite nicely with the Virgin ethos, don't you?


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